Are you measuring for your bay window?
Check out our guides here instead:
Measuring for Inside Recess Blinds
If you’re placing your blinds inside the recess of the window, follow these instructions.
Step 1
Measure the Width
Measure the width of your recess at the top, middle and bottom. Use the smallest measurement as your width.
Step 2
Measure the Drop
Measure the drop of your recess top to bottom. Taking a measurement on the left side, middle and right side. Use the smallest measurement as your drop.
Step 3

Enter your Measurements
Enter the width and drop measurements into your chosen product, and select inside recess as your installation method.
For inside recess we will make a small deduction to your blinds width so that it is able to accommodate the brackets required for installation.
Key Notes
Factor in Obstructions
If you have an obstruction within your recess, such as tiles, measure between these points and use that measurement as your width.

Check your Recess Depth
For a perfect fit inside your recess, ensure that there is a minimum of 5 cm of clearance between the front of your window recess and any obstructions.
Measuring for Exact Size Blinds
If you’re placing your blinds on the outside of your window recess, follow these instructions.
Step 1
Measure the Width
Decide on the amount of overlap you want your blind to have on either side of the window recess. Measure the width between these 2 points.
Step 2
Measure the Drop
Decide on the amount of overlap you want your blind to have at the top and bottom of the window recess. Measure the drop between these 2 points.
Step 3

Enter your Measurements
Enter the width and drop measurements into your chosen product, and select exact size as your installation method.
No deductions are made to your blinds when you select exact size.
Key Notes
Width Overlap
We recommend that you have a total overlap of 10 cm (5 cm on each side). The more overlap, the less light is able to come into the room. If your main goal is to block out as much light as possible, more than 5 cm on either side may be required.
Top Overlap
At the top, we recommend you to have a minimum of 7 cm of overlap. This is to comfortably accommodate the headrail.
Bottom Overlap
If your window sill extends outwards by more than 5 cm, we recommend you measure the drop at this point.
Measuring for Split Blinds
If you’re placing multiple blinds to one window, follow these instructions.
Step 1
Determine the Split Point
Determine where you want the split to be on the window and use a pencil to mark that point.
Step 2
Measure the Width (Inside Recess)
If you’re measuring for a blind to fit inside your window recess. Measure from the edge of your window recess to the point you marked in step 1.
Measure the Width (Exact Size)
For exact size, determine the amount of overlap you want your blind to have and mark that point with a pencil. Measure the gap between the 2 points.
Step 3
Measure the Drop (Inside Recess)
Measure the drop of your window recess on the left, middle and right. Use the smallest size as your drop.
Measure the Drop (Exact Size)
Decide on the amount of overlap you want your blind to have at the top and bottom of the window recess. Measure the drop between these 2 points.
Step 4

Enter your Measurements
Enter the width and drop measurements into your chosen product, and select either inside recess or exact size as your installation method.
- For inside recess we will make a small deduction to your blinds width so that it is able to accommodate the brackets required for installation.
- No deductions are made to your blinds when you select exact size.
Important Notes
Split Point Recommendation
If you’re covering an area with a vertical mullion or a door frame. We recommend using these points as your split points. If your area doesn’t have this, the centre of the window is a good split point.
Blind Gap
To accommodate for the brackets, your split blinds will naturally have a gap. The size of that gap can be altered depending on where the central brackets are installed.
Factor in Obstructions
If you have an obstruction within your recess, such as tiles, measure between the tile and your split point and use that measurement as your width.
Bottom Overlap
If your window sill extends outwards by more than 5 cm, we recommend you measure the drop at this point.